Saturday, December 12, 2015


Sexual Intimacy is such an interesting topic that should be discussed but is rarely ever mentioned. Sex should only be between a man and woman that are married. I know that in our society this is such a hard concept for people to understand. They believe that if you are in love than it is fine. But that isn't the case. Sex is such a beautiful thing that when misused people end up hurt and broken. It is so sacred and chemically bonding that it is meant for building two people closer. It is one of the strongest ways to express love to someone. Anything that special is worth waiting for. That is why Satan wants to destroy it. Because when misused, people feel worthless and feel guilty. It hurts and can cause bad habits in the future that may cause farther heartache later and even can cause very hurtful diseases. So although it may be something that you think you want in that moment, think about the eternal perspective of it and how beautiful and sacred it will be with the right person at the right time.

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